Define Role Permissions

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
  2. Go to the MainWP > Extensions > Team Control page
  3. Go to the Roles and Permissions tab
  4. Locate the previously created role
  5. Click the Edit buttonDefine Role Permissions 1
  6. Set MainWP Dashboard permissions
  7. Set Allowed Extensions
  8. Set Allowed Sites Define Role Permissions 2
  9. Click the Save action

After setting custom permissions, you are ready to assign this role to an existing user or to create a new user with this role.

If you’d like for a certain user to automatically have access to a newly added Child Site, grant the user access to a Site Group. Then when adding the Child Site, add that site to the respective Site Group.

Important Notes

By selecting permission, extension, or website, you are allowing users with this role to use this action, extension on the allowed sites.

If you allow sites by selecting a group of child sites after adding a new site to the group, it is required to re-save role settings to allow the newly added site to the role.