Import Sites

Considering a Child Site can be added to only one MainWP Dashboard at a time, please disconnect the Child Sites from the old Dashboard before attempting the import to the new Dashboard.

MainWP Dashboard allows you to import multiple websites. To do this,

  1. Make sure that the MainWP Child Plugin is installed and activated on your websites
  2. On your Dashboard Site, go to the MainWP > Sites > Import Sites page
  3. Download the Sample CSV file
  4. Open the downloaded file in any text/code editorSample CSV Code
  5. Lines 9 – 13 are demo values that should be replaced. Start replacing it with the actual details of your child sites.
  6. Enter details in following the order and separate values by comma (,)
    1. Site Name
    2. Site URL
    3. Administrator Username
    4. Group name (if you want to add the Child Site to a site group)
    5. Unique Security ID (if enabled on your website(s))
    6. HTTP Username (if HTTP Basic Authentication is enabled on your website(s))
    7. HTTP Password (if HTTP Basic Authentication is enabled on your website(s))
    8. Verify Certificate ( T – true, F – false)
    9. SSL Version ( auto – Auto-detection, 1.x, 1, 2, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
  7. Once you are done, save changes in the CSV file
  8. Upload the CSV file to your MainWP Dashboard
  9. If the CSV file contains a header (line 8 in the Sample.csv), select the CSV file contains a header option. If you have deleted the header line, you can uncheck the option.
  10. Click the Import Sites button

Important Notes

MainWP Dashboard requires that file for importing sites is saved in the CSV format. Uploading TXT or any other text format won’t work.