MainWP Navigation


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MainWP Dashboard main navigation panel appears on the left side and provides quick access to all MainWP sections:

  • Overview
  • Sites
  • Clients
  • Extensions
  • Settings
  • Info

And at the bottom of the navigation bar:

  • Hide Menu
  • Go to WP Admin (the special button that gets you back to the normal WP Admin section of the site.)
  • Log out

Along with the Main Navigation, MainWP Dashboard provides a Page Navigation (Tabs), which varies from section to section. Each MainWP section has a different Page Navigation. Also, there are sections without tabs.




The Dashboard menu item leads you to the MainWP Global Overview, which is one of the most important facilities of the MainWP Dashboard plugin, it is a one-page section.

On the MainWP Global Dashboard, you will be able to Manage Plugins and Theme Updates, view Recent Posts and Pages… basically, it provides you a quick overview of your Child Sites.

All widgets can be moved and resized to fit your needs.

Reorder Widgets: To customize the order of widgets, simply Drag&Drop widgets, and the MainWP Dashboard will remember the order for the next time you visit the page.

Resize Widgets: Every widget can be resized. Simply grab the lower-right corner and drag to the desired size.

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The Sites menu item will lead to the most important section of the MainWP Dashboard plugin.

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This section is further subdivided into these sections:



In this section, you will be able to Manage your Child Site, Add New new ones, Test Connection for sites that need to be added to your MainWP Dashboard, and Monitor their health and uptime status.



The Updates menu item contains one of the most used features of the MainWP Plugins. The feature will allow you to manage updates on your child sites.



In the Plugins section, you can Manage Plugins on your Child Sites, Install new plugins, manage auto-updates for plugins, manage ignored plugin updates, and manage Ignored abandoned plugins.



In the Themes section, you can Manage Themes on your Child Sites, Install new themes, manage auto-updates for themes, manage ignored theme updates, and manage Ignored abandoned themes.



The Users section allows you to Manage Users, create new users on your child sites, and quickly update the password for the Administrator user that has been used for establishing the connection to your MainWP Dashboard.



The Posts section allows you to access options where you can Manage Posts on your Child Sites and Add New posts.



The Pages section allows you to access options where you can Manage Pages on your Child Sites and Add New ones.




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The Clients menu item will lead to the Clients management section. In this section, you will be able to Manage Clients, Add new Clients and edit or create new Client Fields.




The REST API sections allows you to Manage your REST API keys. You can create new keys, or edit and delete existing ones.  Refer to our REST API document for more information.




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The extensions section is a one-page section. It provides you the ability to Install and Activate your extensions, Manage installed extensions, and review all available MainWP extensions.




The Settings section is divided into four tabs where you can control the settings of your MainWP Dashboard.




In the Server Information tab, you can review your server configuration and make sure that your MainWP Dashboard is set on a compatible server, view Cron jobs, Error and Action logs, and Plugin Privacy .

Also, it provides you the ability to review Sever Infomation for your child sites.