MainWP Post SMTP Extension


The MainWP Post SMTP Extension allows centralized management of SMTP settings for WordPress emails across all your sites from the MainWP dashboard.

It supports setting up SMTP with a single click, monitoring email delivery status, and receiving notifications for email failures, aimed at simplifying email management and improving deliverability.

How to Set Up MainWP Post SMTP Extension


- Post SMTP Plugin: Installed and configured on the MainWP Dashboard site.
- MainWP Dashboard: With the MainWP Child plugin installed on all child sites.

Installation Steps

1. Verify Post SMTP Configuration on the MainWP Dashboard site:
Navigate to the Post SMTP dashboard on your parent site to ensure it's correctly configured. A message stating "Postman is configured" should be visible if set up correctly.

2. Install MainWP Post SMTP Extension:

  • On your MainWP Dashboard site, go to WP Admin > Plugins > Add New.
  • Search for PostSMTP MainWP.
  • Install and activate the MainWP PostSMTP Extension.

3. Install Post SMTP Plugin on Child Sites:

  • Navigate to MainWP Dashboard > Sites > Manage Plugins and select Install Plugins.
  • Search for PostSMTP and select Install Plugin.
  • Choose the child sites for the installation. Ensure Activate After Installation and Overwrite Existing Version options are selected.
  • Click Complete Installation.
  • Synchronize your sites.

4. Enable Post SMTP Extension for Child Sites:

  • Navigate to MainWP Dashboard > Extensions and ensure the Post SMTP extension is enabled.
  • Open MainWP Dashboard > Extensions > MainWP Post SMTP Extension page
  • Click Enable all sites button or enable Child Sites individually
    • Optionally you can set custom Email Address, Name and Reply-To values for each child sites
  • Click Save.