Scan Child Sites With Virusdie

By default, Virusdie will scan your sites automatically once per week on the free plan. If any problem is found, you will get a notification from the Virusdie service.

Note: This feature, the on-demand scan, requires a paid Virusdie plan.

If you wish to scan sites more frequently or on demand, an upgrade to a paid Virusdie plan is required.

To request the Scan process manually,

  1. Login to your MainWP Dashboard
  2. Go to the MainWP > Extensions > Virusdie page
  3. Locate the site that you want to scan
  4. Click the Scan button
    Scan Child Sites With Virusdie 1

Scan via WP CLI Command

wp mainwp-virusdie scan <id>

Don’t forget to replace the <id> with the actual child site ID.

Scan via REST API





Required Parameters

  • site_id – (INT) ID of the child site

Example Request