Upload Articles

  1. Login in to your MainWP Dashboard
  2. Go to the MainWP > Extensions > Article Uploader > Upload Articles pageUpload Articles 1
  3. Click the Upload Articles button
  4. Upload the articles in the .txt format

After clicking the Upload Articles button, the new options will enable you to Publish, Edit, or Delete uploaded articles.

Manage Articles After Uploading

After a successful upload,

Upload Articles 2

Publish Articles

  1. Review the uploaded articles
  2. Select if you want to publish uploaded articles as Posts or Pages
  3. Select if you want to allow or disallow comments for uploaded articles
  4. Enter one or multiple categories
  5. Select Child Sites where you want to publish this
  6. Click the Publish Articles button

Edit Articles

  1. Locate the article that you want to edit before publishing
  2. Click the Edit link

Important Notes

The extension detects the first sentence in text files and uses it as an Article Title.